American Planning Association - Japan United States Collaboration Interest Group
Japanese and American planners working together to better their communities and the world.
The Japan-United States Collaboration Group seeks to initiate, promote, and facilitate collaboration between Japanese and American planners through networking, knowledge sharing, and project partnership. The Group was established in 2022.
Provide a platform for Japanese and American planners to exchange knowledge on issues of significance to both countries, such as sustainable development, aging communities, housing, and disaster mitigation & recovery.
Improve mutual understanding of urban development and culture between planners of the two countries, building a foundation for effective and robust collaboration.
Identify the best planning practices in the two countries and share them with planners in both countries and the rest of the world.
Facilitate networking and support planners and students of the two countries in their career development.
Initiate and promote collaborations between APA Divisions/Interest Groups and planning-related Japanese institutions on projects and research.
Core Members
Louis Alcorn, AICP
Connery Cepeda, AICP
Susannah Davidson, AICP
Len Garcia-Duran, AICP
Daniel Garwood, AICP
Takafumi Inoue, AICP (Co-chair)
Keiko Nakagawa, AICP
Gala Korniyenko, Ph.D.
David W McFarland III, AICP
Hing Wong, FAICP
Tetsuya Yaguchi, Ph.D., AIA, AICP
Jing Zhang, AICP (Co-chair)
We are open to everyone, regardless of American Planning Association (APA) membership or nationality. No fees.
We meet virtually on the fourth Tuesday on EST (Wednesday, JST) of every other month.
If you want to join the group or have any questions, email us at You can write to us in English or Japanese.